Mount Crested Butte

Mount Crested Butte

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sunny days, Flowers, Truth, Eskimos & Romance.

I am obsessed with cold weather, like obsessed. It makes me really happy & joyful. Something about a cold and rainy day gives me the warm & fuzzies, so when it hits around this time of the year I get a little sad because I know that I am going to have to wait a whole 9-10 months before I get to enjoy my favorite season. The Lord knows this, He wrote it on my heart, before I was thought into exiestence. He in-scripted a specific set of things that would bring me simple joys like cold weather, animals, mountains, love & people. Don't get me wrong I think Spring is a beautiful season and I really do love it, but the Lord gave me a new perspective on it this year. For the past three Wednesdays the Lord has given me and everyone else in the city of Lubbock a beautiful, clear, warm, sunny day. It has been around 77 degrees, I've gotten to wear my chacos and nike shorts, and rode in the car with the windows down. The Lord took something that I don't necessarily look forward to and turned it around. He romanced me through warm weather, and I do not like warm weather. Don't underestimate our God.

If I could fill my entire room with bouquets of flowers I would. I have such a heart for pretty things like flowers. They make my heart swell. This is another way the Lord romances me. For Valentines day this year my best friend and I, who live 5 hours away from each other, decided to pick out a bouquet of flowers for each other but to keep them in our rooms. I picked out some pretty purple flowers and set them right next to my bed. It has been 3 weeks and those precious purple flowers are still alive. They have been the first thing I have seen every morning for the past three weeks. Although they were a gift for a friend the Lord turned it around and made it a gift for me every morning. A beautiful scent & sight to wake up to as if saying, "Here Heather, not only are these flowers for you to love and be romanced by but all of the flowers in the world are for you." The Lord used three week old flowers to bring me joy this morning. Don't underestimate our God. 

I am the Lord's vessel. He chooses me and He chooses you to do His work. He does not need us. He can fix all of the worlds problems without us, but He wants to give us purpose so he gives us desires, His desires. I love to speak in front of people, of course sometimes I get nervous but when it comes to story telling or making announcements about something I love to get up in front of people. When it comes to speaking the Truth I get a little more nervous than normal. This isn't just a story about how I stalked Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez for four days, this isn't just telling people to come to UNITE on Friday nights at Chapter, this is me getting up in front of people and speaking the Lords words. WOW! I was at chapter last week and the amazing woman who spoke is a dear and wonderful friend of mine. As I was listening to her I thought how cool it was that the Lord hand picked her, out of everyone He could have chosen to speak He chose her. He believed that she could speak encouraging words into the hearts of girls, He believed that she could speak His Truth. I thought about how cool that was and how I wanted God to use me in big ways like that. I wanted to be His vessel, His words, His Truth. I got a call the next day asking to speak at chapter the following week (yesterday). He brought me to the realization of how powerful it is to have that authority, His authority to speak His words, then he gave it to me. The King of the world entrusted me with His words. He loves me, He desires me and He is doing a new work in and through me. Don't underestimate our God. 

"Hey guys there is a group of Christians from Alaska who are in town until tomorrow. They have instruments and some encouraging words. If you want to come meet them we will be up at the Wesely at 9:30." As soon as I read that text message I knew God was at work. I really contemplated not going, it was late, I was tired, I had homework but I could not deny the fact that the Lord was at work. I had to go meet these Alaskans. I figured it would be about 3-4 people from the Wesley and about 3-4 Alaskans. I walked into the Wesely around 9:45 and there were around 25 people awaiting the arrival of our new friends. They finally showed up and there were not just 3-4 of them, there were at least 20. Wow, God was able to orchestrate bringing these 40-45 people together on a Monday night in the basement of the Wesley to worship and encourage each other. Some of them were Eskimos and one guy was from North Pole, Alaska. How cool?! We started worship and it was wonderful, we just sang a few songs and joined together as one body, one voice and one heart. We were all there worshipping the same God. Unity has been laid on my heart since October and through Unite on Friday nights we are able to bring together the different ministries at Tech, but this was something different. I am so focused on unifying all of the campus ministries and there I was worshiping the same God with people from Alaska! I often forget that the Lord is not just working in my life, He is not just working in Lubbock, He is not just working in Texas and He is not just working in the US, He is all over the world. A simple text message turned into one of the most beautiful nights of my life. Don't underestimate our God. 

The Lord is always good, ALWAYS good. He is the same right now as He was last Wednesday. He is the same right now as He was the moment I woke up to beautiful flowers. He is the same right now as He was when He was speaking through me at chapter last night. He is the same right now as He was when a group of Texans and Alaskans joined together in one heart. He is beautiful, He is mine and I am his. 

So absolutely wonderful.