If only I could gather all my thoughts into a few coherent sentences and call it a day, but that would be way too easy. I've got too much on my mind today. Way too much!
One of the coolest things about waking up in the morning is knowing that the day in front of me has the potential to be the best day of my life. The human race is sitting around waiting for things, people, occasions, experiences and so much more to come along before they allow themselves to really start living. We are constantly in a time of waiting; waiting for things to get better, waiting for the right person to come along, waiting to be happy again, waiting, waiting, waiting. NO MORE I TELL YOU. I think I owe it to Ecclesiastes for giving me this fresh out look on my life, but really life is too short to not enjoy EVERY LITTLE THING that it has to offer. (GO READ ECCLESIASTES, IT'S MY FAVORITE BOOK!)
I want to experience every emotion, challenge, trial, struggle, joy, laugh, stressful situation, windy day, hug, squeeze, touch, breath, step with everything that it has to offer. I want to fully take in the hurts and happy's of life. Do not allow yourself to sit around waiting for whatever it is you are waiting for, you are RIGHT HERE for a reason. Enjoy all the reasons why you're in this season of your life; wether it be a hurt, a happy or somewhere in between it's something to celebrate. Everything happening right this instant is preparing you for tomorrow and the day after that and so on. WAIT NO LONGER. Get out there people, go enjoy your entirely too short life before you can't any longer.
I've had a few "best days of my life" over the last week. Oh and that's the other thing, don't think that you can only have one best day of your life. That's a myth. Everyday has it in it to provide you with endless smiles, laughs and other warm and fuzzies that make your heart beat fast.
The day started with sleeping in past 11 AM and I almost cried when I woke up I was so happy. A short drive to Austin, a walk around Zilker Park, a pretty skyline, pointing and laughing down 6th street, a visit to my favorite store in all the land, fruity snow cones that could change your life, getting stuck in traffic on Congress at 5:30 PM on a Monday afternoon, frisbee on the lawn of the Capitol, melt in your mouth brisket tacos, celebrity sitings, banana splits at the Driskill and a run in with Bill Keys while in the company of my favorite people.
Over the course of the last 2 weeks I have been asked by 5 different people what I am passionate about and my answer is always people. I am obsessed with the fact that the Lord of the Universe has perfectly ordained every single step of every single person on the planet. I want to know ALL about those steps; their experiences, their obstacles, their loves, their fears, and all those other things I said that we needed in order to experience life to its fullest. I want to know what people believe in, what makes them upset and what makes them who they are. Something I've been learning recently is how totally different everyone is. Of course people have similarities, but the things that make us who we are, are so incredibly different. Our dreams, hopes, fears and all that other stuff are unlike anyone else's.
Bill Keys. We were headed to the Driskill Hotel for one of those famous banana splits I've heard people rave about when we saw this precious man setting up a table on the corner of 6th & Congress. He had a little type writer and a sign that said, "poems about anyone or anything." Over the course of him writing 5 poems for us we got to talking to this sweet man. While we were waiting he let us read some of his work. I love reading other people's words; this gives me the insight I crave to know about people so I was flipping through those pages, taking pictures of the ones I liked the best and cheesing too big. Now I'm not sure if YOU consider mountains something you can be passionate about, but right behind people, mountains are what get my heart beating fast. I decided that I wanted my poem to be about Mr. Bill Keys perspective on mountains. I know why they make me joyful, but I wanted to know his views on them. I'll share my favorite line of the poem,
The way life creates itself
Uninfluenced by thinking brains
Nature huge and uninhibited
For miles and miles
I got to hear some of Bill's story and as we walked away we got to tell him how encouraged and inspired we were by him.
Things like this are why I am so passionate about people.
There are people to encounter and stories to hear and you will not fully take in these little treasures if you are stuck waiting. You've got people to inspire and dreams to follow. If you are going to wait, enjoy and embrace the waiting. But don't allow it to consume you. You've got too much going for you to allow the uncertainties to take up time in your short life.
So, finish this day off knowing that it has the potential to be the best day of your life. You don't need whatever it is that you're waiting for to make today the best. It's up to you and you alone. This is your life and you shouldn't let anyone but yourself dictate your state of mind.
Ok, Heather. It's time to get off of the soapbox.
(You know I've never really understood that term. I think I'll go urban dictionary it.)
That pretty skyline I was talking about.
Mango, orange & margatitaaaaa snow cones FTW.
One might think this was posed, but it wasn't. Sweet Emma is the cutest.
Uhm, okay beautiful day. Thank you Capitol lawn for welcoming us with your cold green grass and perfect trees. We approve ATX, we approve.
THE Joseph Gordon- Levitt is standing about 40 feet from us in this picture. Yes, we screamed.
The man himself, Bill Keys.
Yeah, it was worth $10.