"I just know that things like this are going to happen in Heaven and I'm excited about that."
Fall is EVERYONES favorite season this time of year. And yes, it is my favorite season for the same reasons it's everyone else's favorite season; the changing of the weather, the colors, the scarfs, pumpkin everything, football, chili, fuzzy socks, flannel and candy corn. What people don't see when I say I love fall is the goose bumps my heart gets at the sight of a pretty orange tree, a cold breeze or the sighting of pumpkins on porches. I have a true, indescribable, I-wish-I-could-put-into-words joy that comes around this time of the year.
All day long my house has smelled like fall. Pot roast was cooking in the crock-pot, candles were burning and the windows were open; allowing the cool breeze to fill the house with all its fresh outside goodness. I am absolutely sure my heart rate was through the roof!
We hung lights in the backyard, covered the tables with pretty table cloths, laid out mason jars with tea lights and had The Autumn Film albums on repeat. Friends started showing up with yummy dishes around 6 o'clock. We were all gathered in the kitchen, laughing and telling stories about our day as we waited for the green beans to finish cooking. The sweet, sweet boys set the table and handed out drinks as we all snapped photos and marveled at our hard work.
The ten of us stood in a circle, hands held, thanking the Lord for good friends, good food and His plan for our futures.
We served ourselves then all went outside to sit down under twinkling lights. We laughed with each other, gave each other a hard time about funny comments and embarrassing stories, we shared our plans for after college and encouraged each other with smiles and fist bumps. We took pictures and complimented the food.
The area of my life I feel like I have been most blessed in is the amount of incredibly wonderful people I've gotten the opportunity to build friendships with. The Lord has been more than generous in surrounding me with people that love Him and strive to live a life that is glorifying to Him. He has given me friends that like to enjoy life in the same ways I like to enjoy life; people that appreciate the tiniest of things and seek out adventure in their day to day lives. I am thankful that He found me worthy enough to send His VERY best do to life with me.
As this season of my life is on the verge of wrapping up I have been thinking a lot about the people I will keep in contact with after college. I know that I won't always be good friends with even half the people I am now, but that's okay, because I am going to get to see those people in Heaven one day and I cannot wait. We will sit around a table in the middle of October and catch up; sharing all the things the Lord did through us, where He took us, who we met along the way and how incredibly thankful we are for His love.
Tonight was a lot like what I think Heaven will be like. Cold weather, unhealthy food, pretty lights and kind hearts gathering around a table to rejoice in the joy of the Lord together.
After finishing up dinner our sweet gentlemen friends cleaned the dishes while we made cinnamon roll waffles. We then gathered around the TV to watch a movie that we sang along to, quoted and laughed at while self indulging in candy corn.
My heart has a sweet smile on its face. Tonight was perfect.
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