Mount Crested Butte

Mount Crested Butte

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Everything that is great about my FAVORITE season.

Weather, weather, weather.  It’s the most frowned upon conversation and it happens every day to every single one of us.  Around this time of the year the talk of the town is the weather and how it is too hot, too cold or too indecisive.  Well I feel like I've been having the weather conversation with everyone recently and I always get asked what my favorite season is.  The question has always been followed up with a long pause and then a long preface explaining why I liked all the seasons.  Well I will no longer be pausing after being asked this question; I have my answer and it is fall.  There are several reasons for this answer but rather than boring you with my love for trees, shades of oranges and reds, football season and I am going to jump to…

For the longest time I have said that the Saturday before Halloween was my favorite day of the entire year and I am sticking to it.  It is my favorite day because when I was in sixth grade, sitting in the back seat of my dad's old car, listening to U2's "All You Can Leave Behind" album, wearing a black volleyball jersey with a red ribbon in my hair, I felt a joy and happiness that I will never forget.  The sun was radiant, the smell of leather and coffee was lingering as I sung my heart out to Beautiful Day with my dad and sister.  It's almost like the day knows I am excited for it's arrival, because it has yet to disappoint me; it's always that perfect 70 degrees and the sun shows up ever year.  

I got to go home for the first time in 2 months this past weekend and it was just wonderful.  There is nothing in the world that can compare to pulling back the bedspread on your bed and seeing your favorite sheets sitting there all warm and ready for you to snuggle up in them, now that was one heck of a sleep.  Then to wake up in the morning to the smell of baked apples, biscuits and bacon is a joy in itself.  Wow, home is great.  I've come to realize that my parents LOVE to buy me things when I am home, weather it's clothes or grocery's they shove things in my hands and tell me to get more, this is one of the many perks of waiting two months to come home.  I'm not complaining.  A delicious dinner can always be expected on Saturday nights and of course my sister and I get to choose what the family eats, so all day we go through our options, the anticipation builds and then there it is: the best grilled chicken in the world, fluffy mashed potatoes, about 3 pounds of broccoli and the best kind of bread around.  Now home is great, but home is even better in the fall.  Mom had the house decorated with all things Halloween, the leaves on the pretty tree in front of my window were starting to fade into a pretty orange and I got to take a fat nap on my favorite couch with football playing in the background.  Pumpkins are all over the town, signs for Fall festivals are hung at every corner, haunted house advertisements are on half of the billboards and the whole world is crisp and familiar.  Home, home, home.  

Highlights from my weekend include: Jumping up and down and screaming my face off with my sister during the Tech/TCU game (welcome to the big 12 TCU!!), shopping with my dad, getting to hug my very best friend and my absolute favorite was helping my mom get ready for her Halloween party.  

A while back my mom told me she had been going to this dance/workout class, well a few weeks ago she told me the truth; her and a bunch of other ladies were really practicing the Thriller dance.  The purpose behind learning this dance was so they could flashmob at this Halloween party!  Can I be that cool please?  My mom dressed up as a zombie and my dad was a news director who got murdered with a clapboard, he had an entire script written up on his shirt and he wore the clapboard around all night.  It was so much fun helping them get ready.  I admire how much the two of them seek out fun.  They are too precious.  

Dad ironed on all of these cool news related things to make his costume super real. 

We could not get over how cheesy "gory gash" sounded! 

How creative is this? 

We found red "blood" sprayed all OVER the house after mom & dad left

Applying the gory gash. That stuff was sickkkk! 

My. Favorite. Picture. EVER. 

You can't read it, but he typed out an entire script that would have been read, had it been true BREAKING NEWS! 

Coolest parents around!! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

I haven't left my bed in 7 hours.

All I wanted to do today was eat fajitas (the Hispanic club is to blame) and go see Taken 2.  I hate One The Border and I was craving their fajitas, I had checked showtimes and had mentally prepared myself to go see this movie.  The only issue with all of this was that I did not have anyone to partake on my afternoon adventures with.  Once I set my mind on something I am determined to make it happen, it's the way my brain works.  If the thought of frozen yogurt pops in my head, I will be thinking about it until I eat frozen yogurt, if I tell myself I want a certain kind of necklace I will think about that necklace until it is in my possession.  This has served as a sever issue.  I had myself convinced I was going to eat fajitas and see this movie today even if I was going to do it by myself. 

I was walking to my car hoping someone would randomly call me, text me, see me and say, "Hey Heather, I am craving fajitas & I really want to go see this movie! Do you have anything going on this afternoon?"  I honestly believed that was going to happen, HA.  Well I ended up at home, sitting at my kitchen table with the same sandwich I eat twice a day and Grey's Anatomy on the TV.  I was let down, I was legitimately upset at my current situation and at myself for getting my own hopes up.  

After lunch I crawled in bed and watched more Grey's Anatomy, took a two hour nap, woke up, watched more Grey's Anatomy, read, caught up on all the blogs I follow and wallowed a little bit.  The reason I am telling you all this is because I hate wasting my days!  I got plenty of sleep last night, a whopping 9 hours, I was not tired when I got in bed this afternoon, but I slept anyway.  I wanted to go on an adventure today, I wanted to enjoy this cool weather my heart has been ACHING for, I wanted to have fun & make the most out of a plan-free Friday afternoon/evening.  Well none of that happened, I am still in bed.  I have gotten up for water and to grab my camera so I could capture my oh-so-eventuful Friday in bed.  

I have been trying this whole "having fun" thing out and I enjoy it.  "Having fun" means staying up PAST midnight, starting movies at 11 PM, enjoying the company of friends, driving around Lubbock with no where to go and saying "yes" when friends ask me to hang out, despite how tired and worn down I may be.  Before starting my "having fun" spree I was more interested in getting enough sleep than almost anything, I would always ALWAYS put school work first (and although that is important, go have fun, then do school!).  I AM IN COLLEGE, WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?! I need to have fun, I need to be adventurous, I need to enjoy what's left of my college career, so I guess that is why I got so upset that I wasted a perfectly good day in bed being unproductive.  However I really did enjoy it, in hindsight.  I am still a little bitter, but I am well rested…   

Sometimes, well actually all the time, the Lord knows what we need better than we know what we need.  Apparently today I needed sleep.  

[I still have fajitas & Taken 2 on my mind. Someone join me sometime this weekend/week :)] 

My view for the day. 


At least I had a good book, cheeze-its, my favorite sweatshirt blanket & "The Stars of Track & Field" to keep me company.