Mount Crested Butte

Mount Crested Butte

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy 20th to me, from under a tree.

The chance that I spent my evening sitting under a tree at the park writing this blog is very high, and yes; it is my 20th birthday.  I was leaving a friends house planning on killing time at the local coffee shop when I drove past a beautiful park, so I decided to find a pretty tree and well here I am. 

The wind is light and the air is soft.  It’s April and the season of spring is in full effect. 

I enjoy going on adventures and I enjoy life most during moments like these; moments of spontaneous impulse, moments that allow me to be by myself and reflect.  Writing and being alone are my two favorite hobbies; I’m in my element right now. 

God is always good.  He planted the tree that I’m sitting under for this exact moment.  Before I was thought into existence, He knew that on my 20th birthday I would need to be by myself, so He planted it and made this moment perfect.    

With all that being said, here are a few things that have been taking over my mind and my heart for the past few weeks:

I am a loner and that is okay.  The Lord set me apart and along with that he wrote out a specific list of things that would romance my heart, being alone is one of them.  I dream about the day I get to have my own little house with shudders.  It will be my two dogs and me.  I will drink wine and go to bed early.  It’ll be fantastic.  

Don’t give up on the people you care about!  Believe in them and let them know you believe in them.  Don’t keep things unsaid. 

I am really good at dwelling on things in the past.  Sometimes I think that I’ve already lived the best years of my life, sad, right?  My life has been so wonderfully blessed and maybe that is why I think that eventually my life has to start going downhill.  I know in my heart that the Lord will take care of me, but in my head it’s a different story. 

We live in a lost world and people are so desperate for the hope I have.  Why am I so scared to share the Truth?  Ghandi once said that if the God that Christians serve was real, then he would crawl over hot coals to tell his brother, he would not let anything stand in his way of sharing that Love.  

Natasha Bedingfield has the most beautiful voice I have ever heard.    

The Lord is placing things in order NOW that will not happen until way later.  My life is His symphony and loves being the conductor. 

The Lord will bless my work.  I like to ask Him to give me input on every minor detail of my life; I forget that He gives us choices.  If I am unsure, all I have to do is ask for Him to work through my choices.  His will is going to be done, no matter what. I am not big enough to mess up His plan.

Life is short.  In Ecclesiastes it talks about the ‘few days of our lives.’  Compared to eternity we are on this Earth for no longer than it takes to blink or take in a deep breath.  I am so caught up in things that are meaningless.  When I am on my death bed I am going to be more upset about not spending more time with the Lord, than I am going to be about the grade I made on my research methods paper my Sophomore year of college. 

Friendships are priceless.  Nothing in my life means more to me than memories.  I cling to memories, hold onto memories, replay memories over and over and over again.  My favorite memories are with the people who have grown with me.  I have wonderful, unique, beautifully blessed friendships with many sweet friends.  The Lord knew what He was doing when He placed the people in my life that He did over the course of the last 9 years.  I owe who I am to my friends.   

One day, I will be special to someone.  

Birthdays are fun, but I don’t like getting older.  I always said that I wanted to be 16 forever and I still stand to that but life must go on.  The world stops for no one, all we can do is keep on keeping on and pray that the path you're on is the right one.  The one filled with storms and trials, but also filled with love and hope. 

Okay, a crazy game of tag has started among a bunch of high school kids here at the park. Thanks for listening to me rant about a bunch of things that don't make sense. 

Happy 20th to me, from under a tree. 

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